A Place For Superheroes to Escape


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No Means No

Say NO to what drains YOU. Do what makes YOU smile.

How many times have you said "YES" to something, and you instantly felt exhausted or wanted to kick yourself? How many times have you said "YES" to something, and you immediately started mentally planning an escape route that would lead to you sending a text or making a call saying you could not make it?


STOP all the people-pleasing right now! Unless the situation is a real emergency, STOP! All you are doing is draining your precious energy, wasting even more precious time, and building anger and regret inside, all of which lower your vibration anyway. Who needs that?

Why say "YES" to something you do not want to do and do not have any interest or energy? What is the point in creating unnecessary suffering? Are you afraid the other person will call you selfish or something else? So, what! The only thing that matters is how YOU feel when there is a request to give out energy. You are the only one that must look out for you. You oversee your happiness and life choices. Stop being miserable and breaking your boundaries to make someone else happy. Healthy boundaries are necessary to maintain your mental and body. Try it! Say No to something that you do not have any desire to do. You can say No, or No I do not want to; however, say No! You do not have to give a reason if you do not want because it's YOUR response. Respond how you like and make sure it is with No!

Be Happier!

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 Take a look at some helpful ways to say No and get a good chuckle!

This cool poster is not my work but you can find this at>> https://7esl.com/ways-to-say-no/

This image is not my work and can be found at>> https://images.app.goo.gl/X9R7qRuFzMCMQC9G8