Superheroes Unite Superheroes Unite


Mean what you say and say what you mean!

When we cross our boundaries, we betray ourselves. Writing limitations in our hearts and then ignoring them will always leave us annoyed, irritable, moody, frustrated, regretful, and mad within ourselves. Why do this to ourselves? Who are we trying to please, if not ourselves? There's no reason for this. If you know something will make you uncomfortable, regretful, or don't even have an interest in doing it, then don't. You have the option to do OR don't. Only you know what works for you. What is in alignment with you? Stay in your lane and focus on your happiness. Yes, you may get called selfish, BUT who else will ensure your needs or satisfaction? It's your job to make sure you're happy and comfortable.

You should do what pleases you every day. We're so busy being good parents, coworkers, students, spouses, and siblings that we neglect daily needs. These actions leave us burned out, stressed out, anxious through the roof, have relationships on the rocks, and feel like our hearts could burst out of our chests any minute from the many roles we play daily. We NEED SELF LOVE!! Love yourself first! Give YOU what YOU need. Take yourself to a movie or go for a walk by the lake. Go swimming or fishing. When was the last time you did something for YOU that made YOU smile or laugh? I order you to take yourself out. Stop feeling guilty for taking time for your needs.

This week's challenge>> Figure out what sets you off. What frustrates you? What annoys you?

Now find out what you can do to avoid this outcome.

Do you need more alone time?

A walk in a park surrounded by nature?

A hardcore workout or a soothing Yoga session?


An hour to sleep or read?

Play hooky and call in sick from work to focus on your mental? (It's VERY MUCH NEEDED sometimes)

Whatever it is, choose it, then do it. If not, you'll repeat this vicious cycle and then snap at your kids or loved ones. I've done this before, so I do NOT recommend it.

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Superheroes Unite Superheroes Unite

Am I doing this right?

Am I doing this right?

Sometimes we're faced with a problem or a plethora of issues, and we're standing there wondering if we're doing this thing called life right. Remember, there's no manual or right or wrong way; there's YOUR way. However you work this out, it is the best for you. Always view your problems as a lesson and an opportunity for improvement. An improvement in what, you may ask? The problem could be financial, so this could help you improve budgeting. The problem could require more patience, and you have very little. You need to realize your problems and then ask yourself, what will these problems do for me? What is the best outcome that I'm expecting?

No matter what, focus on the goal and not the situational storm.

Great ways to cope with problems and keep a balanced mind

Go for a run and let your thoughts break free

Swim- It's a fantastic way to stay calm

Journal- Write out all your cares

Walk in nature- really listen to the birds

Hit the gym- Give it all the stress you got!

Yoga- Stretch through your troubled mind

Meditate- Clear your mind to focus better

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Planning an escape route out of the Comfort Zone

You can’t stay here. Keep moving to bigger and better.

You can't stay in your comfort zone. I know it's safe and familiar, but you just can't. I'll tell you why. If you remain there, you'll never encounter anything new or anything to advance you. You'll stay the same, never growing and missing out on life's adventure. You should experience all the beauty life has to offer. Travel as far as you can and meet as many people as possible. You can learn so much from meeting people of different backgrounds. Follow those dreams you've been too scared to start on! Sit down, make a plan and go for it. Surround yourself with like-minded people hustling for their dreams. The more you hustle for that dream, it becomes a goal, then eventually reality. Once it's a reality, don't stay there; move on to your next dream! Your life is what you make it.

The road that leads out of the comfort zone

What dreams have you avoided due to fear?

Do you still want that dream?

Write out a plan in steps so you can achieve it

Go for it!

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Superheroes Unite Superheroes Unite

Self Love

Self Love is a Must!

Daily, our mind is racing, our feet racing, and our heart racing toward our jobs, families, relationships, and dreams. Yet, do we put this much effort into the love of ourselves? We don't. We'll skip breakfast, depriving our bodies of necessary nutrients. We neglect workouts, depriving our muscles of flexibility and strength. We'll miss meditation, depriving our minds of peace and clarity. Sometimes we get stuck in the everyday hamster wheel of working and paying bills, forgetting to love ourselves and do something fun. It's ok to have fun. We need it. When was the last time you did something fun just for yourself? Do something that makes you smile and feels good to your soul. Self-love is a must. Create some time to love yourself. Set aside at least 30 minutes to do whatever you like.

What can you do to love yourself?

Take yourself on a date to a movie


Meditate to balance your mind

Read to increase knowledge

Take that class you've always wanted

Pursue your dreams

Go for a massage

Whatever it may be that makes you smile, laugh or keep you happy and a balanced being, DO IT!!

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