Planning an escape route out of the Comfort Zone

You can't stay in your comfort zone. I know it's safe and familiar, but you just can't. I'll tell you why. If you remain there, you'll never encounter anything new or anything to advance you. You'll stay the same, never growing and missing out on life's adventure. You should experience all the beauty life has to offer. Travel as far as you can and meet as many people as possible. You can learn so much from meeting people of different backgrounds. Follow those dreams you've been too scared to start on! Sit down, make a plan and go for it. Surround yourself with like-minded people hustling for their dreams. The more you hustle for that dream, it becomes a goal, then eventually reality. Once it's a reality, don't stay there; move on to your next dream! Your life is what you make it.

The road that leads out of the comfort zone

What dreams have you avoided due to fear?

Do you still want that dream?

Write out a plan in steps so you can achieve it

Go for it!


Am I doing this right?


Self Love