Self Love

Daily, our mind is racing, our feet racing, and our heart racing toward our jobs, families, relationships, and dreams. Yet, do we put this much effort into the love of ourselves? We don't. We'll skip breakfast, depriving our bodies of necessary nutrients. We neglect workouts, depriving our muscles of flexibility and strength. We'll miss meditation, depriving our minds of peace and clarity. Sometimes we get stuck in the everyday hamster wheel of working and paying bills, forgetting to love ourselves and do something fun. It's ok to have fun. We need it. When was the last time you did something fun just for yourself? Do something that makes you smile and feels good to your soul. Self-love is a must. Create some time to love yourself. Set aside at least 30 minutes to do whatever you like.

What can you do to love yourself?

Take yourself on a date to a movie


Meditate to balance your mind

Read to increase knowledge

Take that class you've always wanted

Pursue your dreams

Go for a massage

Whatever it may be that makes you smile, laugh or keep you happy and a balanced being, DO IT!!


Planning an escape route out of the Comfort Zone